Already a fan of CNN, but the online news elsewhere is a lot more like a barker at the circus. Concise headlines inform me enough to let me decide whether I need to know more.
Already a fan of CNN, but the online news elsewhere is a lot more like a barker at the circus. Concise headlines inform me enough to let me decide whether I need to know more.
The latest web design has too many pictures too little content. Need to up date articles more often. The same article can be up for a week or two. Stop the Ads. I get it you want us to watch CNN.
I love the app, because I am able to get CNN around the clock from wherever I am.
I love the news and want it when it happens. This app has so many of the same boring OLD news headlines for weeks on end. CNN is a 24 hour news channel. The app should act accordingly. New news or no news. Boo
I count on CNN both on my phone and on TV to let me know what is going on on the world.
News is reported well and very promptly. Thanks CNN
This is my favorite news source!!!
Dependable app. Keeps me updated with all the latest news.
Slow. Clumsy. Hard to navigate. Pointless animations. Really bad app.
Why notify somebody of a news item when they cannot find it to read it all when they open the app? I really would like to know the rest of what Republican voters said about their party betraying them! Would be nice if the related stories were all in one place!
The app crashes at start up. Please fix.
This app is just as awful as their biased propaganda. Loaded with data eating ads, this app is full of half truths and stories they want to tell, not the whole story. So if you like the lies they tell you on the television, youll love the lies they tell you on the app.
Works well does as it should, provides all the latest news updates from around the world! Great app! Just give a bit of a break on adds, maybe try and develop filtering that would recognize when a user has already viewed the add a bunch of times so they are not viewing same adds over and over again.
Great informative app. Thanks for providing facts of events.
CNN is still the place I go for the most accurate and comprehensive news. True it is not what it was back in the day. But none of the news agencies reporting in the US are what they use to be. CNN is still awesome!
One word.....FANTASTIC! Everyone should have this app
Incomplete sentences. The writing just drops in the middle of a And picks back up with a new sentence.
Very good at alerting you what is going on in politics and breaking news.