Excellent app!!!! Very informative and always up to date on all issues
Excellent app!!!! Very informative and always up to date on all issues
9 times out of 10, the videos dont open! Sometime the ad runs, but the main video does not!! I know, its not my internet connection, as the experience is the same whether on fast WIFI or LTE.
Corporate/Government controlled! Cares nothing for Native Americans!
Articles are not refreshed in a timely manner, same articles day after day. Your overall reporting is very biased. I used to read CNN several times each day, but now have opted to other news apps that are more balanced.
Just like the rest of the media. CNN fails at every definition of unbiased. They are an extension of the left liberal party no matter who is running. There is only their view and slanted spin. Unfortunately their viewers swallow their misconceived news as gospel. Reminds one of the Cold War news of the former Soviet Union which only gave the government approved news. I heard it said that we need a new station, Radio Free America that would do their job and report the News and not slanted ideology of the left. I will not be purchasing any product from any of the CNN advertisers. Truth in news is gone in america. People better wake up before it is to late. No respect for any people at the Clinton News Agency.
Worst app ever. Crashes all the time
8 out of 1-10 scale
You dont actually cover news anymore, quit watching. Was a daily viewer. App has same trash.
Whenever I need realtime news...I always turn out CNN!!!
This is a prime example of the mainstream media trying to Control the narrative. I only check this to see what spin and lies will be coming out. You guys are a joke.
I never realized how extremely bias CNNs views really are towards the world. Im deleting this app immediately. Ive always got my news from CNN Ive always felt that they were a little above the rest with their professionalism and there "seemingly" non-bias reports however after recent articles, even a diehard as myself can see their true colors. Goodbye CNN.
So biased towards Hillary Clinton. Almost makes you sick looking at their stories because it is so biased. We need a non-biased news source.
Is it really the job of cnn reporters to try to get HRC of the hook with the FBI investigation? I lost all trust in ccn reporting, will have to search channels to get fair and trusted reporting
CNN news is great! I love that I can keep up with the latest news in my watch and phone all day. Thank you so much for this service!
App is ok but CNN news reporting is less about news and more about reporters and the networks own ideology and beliefs. There is a reason Fox News is number one.
The app is as bad as the biased coverage!!!
Although I occasionally encounter a delay with downloading, this app is easy to scroll through and redirect to specific themes. Whatever the pros and cons anyone has about reporting, CNN is on top of posting the latest updates (often ahead of other major news apps). I also like the feature stories, as the recent following of the McDonald twins.
The latest web design has too many pictures too little content. Need to up date articles more often. The same article can be up for a week or two. Stop the Ads. I get it you want us to watch CNN.
Comprehensive news coverage and knowledgeable journalists who will not be swayed by negative comments or attitudes !
This app still does not support swipe to go back functionally. Does this app maker not know that you can support both swipe to go back and swipe to the next story? This makes it difficult to navigate within the app on the larger iPhones. Ads take up 50% of the screen real estate.